Cy Twombly est né en 1928 à Lexington dans l’État de Virginie. Il a étudié à la School of the Museum of Fine Arts à Boston (1947-52) ; l’Art Students League, New York (1950-51) ; et au Black Mountain College, North Carolina (1951-52), où il est devenu ami avec Robert Rauschenberg, Merce Cunningham, John Cage et plein d’autres ayant eu un impact sur le monde de manière significative.
Dans les années 1951-1952, il voyage avec Robert Rauschenberg en Europe et en Afrique. Il deviendra peu de temps après une figure majeure de la scène new-yorkaise.
En 1968, le Milwaukee Art Center organise sa première rétrospective qui fut suivie par des rétrospectives majeures au Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (1979) ; Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland (1987, ensuite présentée au Palacio de Velásquez/Palacio de Cristal, Madrid ; Whitechapel Gallery, Londres ; Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf ; et au Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris) ; Museum of Modern Art, New York (1994, présentée à la Menil Collection, Houston ; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles ; et à la Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin). En 1995, la Cy Twombly Gallery ouvre à la Menil Collection, Houston, exposant des travaux réalisés par l’artiste dès 1954. La rétrospective européenne « Cy Twombly: Cycles and Seasons » ouvre à la Tate Modern, Londres en juin 2008 (ensuite présentée au Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain ; et à la National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rome, en 2009).
Ses expositions personnelles les plus récentes incluent « Cy Twombly: Fifty Years of Works on Paper, » State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg (2003, présentée à la Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich ; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris ; Serpentine Gallery, Londres ; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York ; et The Menil Collection, Houston, 2005) ; Tate Modern, Londres (2008) ; « Cy Twombly: The Natural World, Selected Works 2000–2007, » Art Institute of Chicago (2009) ; « Cy Twombly Photographs 1951–2010, » Museum Brandhorst, Munich (2011) ; « Cy Twombly: Sculpture, » Museum of Modern Art, New York (2011–12) ; « Cy Twombly: Sculptures, » Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania (2013) ; Diocesan Museum, Italy (2014) ; « Cy Twombly: Treatise on the Veil, » Morgan Library & Museum, New York (2014) ; « Cy Twombly: Paradise, » Ca’ Pesaro, Venice (2015) ; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (2016) ; et « Divine Dialogues: Cy Twombly and Greek Antiquity, » Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens (2017). En 2010, son plafond peint in-situ fut dévoilé dans la salle des Bronzes au Musée du Louvre ; une année plus tard, il s’éteint à Rome.
Cy Twombly was born in 1928 in Lexington, Virginia. He studied at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (1947–49); Art Students League, New York (1950–51); and Black Mountain College, North Carolina (1951–52), where he became friend with Robert Rauschenberg, Merce Cunningham and John Cage and many others who have made an impact on the world in a significant way.
In 1951-1952 he travels with Robert Rauschenberg in Europe and Africa. He soon therafter emerged as a prominent figure in New York.
In 1968, the Milwaukee Art Center organized his first retrospective which was followed by major retrospectives at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (1979); Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland (1987, traveled to Palacio de Velásquez/Palacio de Cristal, Madrid; Whitechapel Gallery, London; Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf; and Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris); and the Museum of Modern Art, New York (1994, traveled to The Menil Collection, Houston; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; and Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin). In 1995, the Cy Twombly Gallery opened at The Menil Collection, Houston, exhibiting works made by the artist since 1954. The European retrospective “Cy Twombly: Cycles and Seasons” opened at Tate Modern, London in June 2008 (traveled to Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain; and National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rome, through 2009).
Most recent solo exhibitions include “Cy Twombly: Fifty Years of Works on Paper,” State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg (2003, traveled to Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Serpentine Gallery, London; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; and The Menil Collection, Houston, through 2005); Tate Modern, London (2008); “Cy Twombly: The Natural World, Selected Works 2000–2007,” Art Institute of Chicago (2009); “Cy Twombly Photographs 1951–2010,” Museum Brandhorst, Munich (2011); “Cy Twombly: Sculpture,” Museum of Modern Art, New York (2011–12); “Cy Twombly: Sculptures,” Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania (2013); Diocesan Museum, Italy (2014); “Cy Twombly: Treatise on the Veil,” Morgan Library & Museum, New York (2014); “Cy Twombly: Paradise,” Ca’ Pesaro, Venice (2015); Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (2016); and “Divine Dialogues: Cy Twombly and Greek Antiquity,” Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens (2017). In 2010, his permanent site-specific painting ceiling was unveiled in the Salle des Bronzes at the Musée du Louvre; a year later, he passed away in Rome.