Guido Guidi est né à Cesena en 1941. Dans les années 1960, il intègre l’IUAV, l’Université d’Architecture et de Design Industriel de Venise. Depuis 1989, il enseigne la photographie à l’Académie des Beaux-Arts de Ravenne. Depuis 2001, il intervient dans le département de Design et d’Art de l’IUAV à Venise.
Il a exposé au musée Guggenheim et au Whitney Museum à New York, au Centre Pompidou à Paris, à la Biennale de Venise et au Centre canadien d’Architecture de Montréal.
Livres et catalogues (selection) : Varianti (Art&, Udine 1995); SS9. Itinerari lungo la via Emilia (Linea di Confine, Rubiera 2000); Carlo Scarpa, Architect: Intervening with History (CCA - Monacelli Press, New York 1999) and Mies in America (CCA - Whitney Museum of American Art, New York 2001); In Between Cities (Electa, Milan 2003); Le Corbusier, Scritti (Einaudi, Turin 2003); Guido Guidi 1969-2004 (San Fedele Arte, Milan 2004); Guido Guidi PK TAV 139+500 (Linea di Confine, Rubiera 2006); Bunker. Along the atlantic wall (Electa, Milan 2006); Guido Guidi/Vitaliano Trevisan Vol. I (Electa, Milan 2006), Fiume (Fantombooks, Milan, 2010), A New Map of Italy (Washington, DC: Loosestrife Editions 2011), Guido Guidi, Carlo Scarpa’s Tomba Brion (Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz) 2011); La figura dell’orante. Appunti per una lezione (Edizioni del bradipo, Lugo, 2012); Cinque Paesaggi, 1983-1993, (Postcard / Iccd, Rome, 2013); Preganziol 1983 (MACK, Londres, 2013); Veramente (MACK, Londres, 2014); Guardando a Est (Linea di confine, Rubiera/Koening Books, Londres, 2015).
Ses œuvres font partie des collections permanentes du Centre Pompidou, du Centre canadien d’Architecture et SFMoMA (Musée d’Art Moderne de San Francisco).
Guido Guidi was born in Cesena in 1941. In the 1960s he attended IUAV University of Architecture and the Industrial Design School in Ve- nice. Since 1989 he has taught Photography at the Accademia di Belle Arti (School of Fine Arts) in Ravenna. Since 2001 he has been visiting professor at the Design and Art Department of IUAV in Venice.
He has exhibited at the Guggenheim Museum and Whitney Museum in New York, at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, at the Venice Biennale and at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montréal.
Books and catalogues (selection): Varianti (Art&, Udine 1995); SS9. Itinerari lungo la via Emilia (Linea di Con ne, Rubiera 2000); Car-
lo Scarpa, Architect: Intervening with History (CCA - Monacelli Press, New York 1999) and Mies in America (CCA - Whitney Museum
of American Art, New York 2001); In Between Cities (Electa, Milano 2003); Le Corbusier, Scritti (Einaudi, Torino 2003); Guido Guidi 1969-2004 (San Fedele Arte, Milano 2004); Guido Guidi PK TAV 139+500 (Linea di Con ne, Rubiera 2006); Bunker. Along the atlantic wall (Electa, Milano 2006); Guido Guidi/Vitaliano Trevisan Vol. I (Electa, Milano 2006), Fiume (Fantombooks, Milano, 2010), A New Map of Italy (Washington, DC: Loosestrife Editions 2011), Guido Guidi, Carlo Scarpa’s Tomba Brion (Ost ldern: Hatje Cantz) 2011); La gura dell’orante. Appunti per una lezione (Edizioni del bradipo, Lugo, 2012); Cinque Paesaggi, 1983-1993, (Postcard / Iccd, Roma, 2013); Preganziol 1983 (MACK, London, 2013); Veramente (MACK, London, 2014); Guardando a Est (Linea di con ne, Rubiera/Koening Books, London, 2015).
His works are part of Centre Pompidou, Canadian Centre for Architecture, SFMoMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art) collections.